Last Stand: The Vanishing Caribou Rainforest is a cinematic journey into the tragically threatened world of endangered mountain caribou whose home is the world’s largest remaining inland temperate rainforest. Critical human and political choices will ultimately decide the fate of this stunning ecosystem, which spans from the US, through much of the Kootenays, north to the Yellowhead Highway.
With Canada failing to protect critical caribou habitat from logging, mining, and recreation, honour the treaty rights of indigenous peoples, and protect the integrity of the natural systems of this region, this film gives voice to First Nations, scientists, foresters, conservationists, and recreationists attempting to chart a new path forward before it is too late.
Join Wildsight and the College of the Rockies for a screening of the 35-minute film on March 28th at 4:00 PM at the of College of the Rockies Lecture Theatre.