Jumbo Wild Petition – Stand with Jumbo in Victoria

Tuesday, March 14, 2017
BC Legislature

Join us at noon at the BC Legislature to stand with Jumbo as we deliver the petition with 58,000+ signatures calling for permanent protection for the Jumbo Valley to Premier Christy Clark.

We’ll be holding a short rally to stand with the Ktunaxa in support of their Qat’muk declaration and in support of a Jumbo Wild. Join us and hold up a sign representing thousands of signatures from around the world so we can make a an impact.

Please join us at noon on the steps of the legislature on Tuesday, March 14th.

Additionally, we are looking for a few wild folks to help out with logistics and photography, as only one person will be travelling to Victoria from the Kootenays.

For more information or to help out, get in touch: info@wildsight.ca.