Photo: Kenya Blouin

Imagine Nelson

Thursday, November 25, 2021 at 6-7:45 pm PST

Join Youth Climate Corps West Kootenay on November 25th for a virtual panelist discussion featuring a diverse group of experts in their fields as we explore what it means to be living in a changing climate. In the second half of this unique event, we will shift gears into a workshop format focused on developing strategies for positive change.

Our panelists come to us from a wide variety of backgrounds such as forestry, permaculture, policymaking, medicine, law and communications. We will delve into topics of sustainable forestry and agriculture, what the health impacts of climate change are, and imagine a green future for Nelson and surrounding communities through an interdisciplinary lens.

Meet our panelists:

Dr. Andre Piver: Medical perspective on the health impacts of climate change.

Jake Roos: Sustainable forestry practices, wildfire suppression and mitigation.

Kim Watt: Food security, ecological land management, agricultural resilience.

Ingrid Liepa: Law, environmental policies, strategic planning, communications and outreach.

Nicole Charlwood: Economics, international trade, political organizing, community engagement.

Is this event still relevant for you if you don’t live in Nelson? Yes! We will be focusing on topics that directly affect Nelson and the surrounding area, however, this does not need to be your home for you to participate.

We will dedicate 1 hour to the questions we have prepared for the panellists, then 10 minutes for questions from the audience. Afterwards, we will have a 5-minute break followed by a 30-minute workshop component.

This event is made possible with funding from Columbia Basin Trust.