Fernie clear-cuts: A public forum on private land logging

Thursday, February 7, 2019
Elk Valley Branch, Regional
Best Western Mountain Lodge
1622 7 Ave, Fernie

Are you worried about the clear-cutting around Fernie? Join us for a public forum on logging on private land in the Elk Valley to learn about what’s going to be logged next, how much has already been cut and why private forest land logging in the Elk Valley hurts our communities, trails, environment and wildlife. 

Join us at 7pm on Thursday, Feb 7th at the Best Western Mountain Lodge in Fernie.

In the Elk Valley, a third of the landscape is in private hands and one eighth is private forest owned by Canwel—which is very different from most of the rest of the province, where forestry land is almost all crown land. Owners of private managed forest get a big break on their taxes, but they barely have to follow any rules at all. Private managed forests can be clear-cut whenever the owner likes and they don’t have to take care of local trails or viewscapes or worry about wildlife.

Read more about the recent private land logging around Fernie and the Elk Valley…

Come share your views with the community and learn how we can work together for more community control of our landscape, including Ridgemont and much more. We’ve invited Canwel to come tell the community about their future logging plans around Fernie, but they haven’t let us know if they’ll be there yet.