Grizzly bears are the quintessence of wilderness. They are at once both incredibly powerful and unbelievably gentle. They roam alpine meadows in search of roots, flowers and berries to eat, and wander valley bottoms in search of fish and game. They are tirelessly devoted mothers to their young—hibernating in mountaintop dens buried under metres of snow, where females birth and sustain cubs for months without eating anything themselves.
British Columbia is one of the last grizzly bear strongholds in the world. But even here, they’re facing threats from human-bear conflict, collisions on roads and railway lines, and continued fragmentation of their habitat by roads, industry and other developments.
Wildsight is working across the Columbia Basin to reduce road densities, reconnect and protect grizzly habitats and combat threats to grizzly bear populations through projects like ‘Reconnecting the Rockies’, which is reducing grizzly bears deaths on Highway 3 in the Elk Valley through the construction of exclusion fencing and safe wildlife crossing points.
Buy a ‘grizzly bear’ gift card for a loved one and help protect grizzly bears and the precious wild places they call home.
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What Wildsight is doing
Wildsight works to defend our natural world for future generations by protecting biodiversity, leading educational programs, and encouraging sustainable communities. Our work has protected invaluable swaths of old growth forest, critical wildlife corridors, and species-at-risk. It has instilled a love for nature in youth from young children to young adults.
We believe that a shared community desire to protect our wilderness will safeguard our precious Columbia and Rocky Mountain regions for years to come.
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- When will the recipient receive the gift? You can customize whether the recipient receives the gift immediately or we send the card to you to deliver to them.
- Can I customize the card? You can choose the donation amount and include a personalized message for the recipient.