Photos: Douglas Noblet, Howard Smith, Bailey Repp, Corey Destein

Old-growth forest

                                                                                                                                                      The eGift card your recipient will receive

Few things in this world are as awe-inspiring as gazing up into the canopy of a magnificent, ancient tree. 

Old growth forests are some of the most productive, invaluable ecosystems on the planet, sustaining rare and endangered species that have evolved to depend on them. Yet scientists suggest only three percent of B.C.’s high-productivity old-growth forests remain. 

Old growth logging has pushed species such as southern mountain caribou to the brink of extinction — but there is still hope. The B.C. NDP government has shown they are committed to prioritizing ecosystem health over a “profit-only matters” mentality, by implementing the recommendations of the Old Growth Strategic Review — but they need public pressure to do so. 

Your gift will help protect our irreplaceable old growth forests in the Kootenay Columbia region and across B.C. It will enable us to continue successfully deferring logging of old-growth ecosystems (like we did with Argonaut Creek in the 2022 Seymour logging plan), and push our government to legislate permanent protections for old growth forests all across B.C.

Buy a gift card to protect our old growth ecosystems. 



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What Wildsight is doing

Wildsight works to defend our natural world for future generations by protecting biodiversity, leading educational programs, and encouraging sustainable communities. Our work has protected invaluable swaths of old growth forest, critical wildlife corridors, and species-at-risk. It has instilled a love for nature in youth, from young children to young adults.
We believe that a shared community desire to protect our wilderness will safeguard our precious Columbia and Rocky Mountain regions for years to come.


  • Will I receive a tax receipt for my purchase? Yes, your tax-deductible receipt will be emailed directly to you. 
  • When will the recipient receive the gift? You can customize whether the recipient receives the gift immediatelyor we send the card to you to deliver to them.
  • Can I customize the card? You can choose the donation amount and include a personalized message for the recipient.