The Wildsight Weekly Wrap-Up | April 21st Edition

We live in a busy world – a world where all the things we would like to keep on top of get buried under a barrage of non-stop information on an assortment of different timelines you don’t even remember creating an account for. As we’re sure you know, it can be exhausting and pretty well impossible to try and filter what’s important out from all the noise.

To help deal with this modern problem, we’ve decided to put together a weekly re-cap of some excellent outside articles and work that we’ve recently enjoyed and think are worth a read (or listen/watch) over the weekend’s morning coffee. So, without further ado, here’s another weekly wrap-up.

British Columbia Was Once A Leader In Fighting Climate Change. Now, It’s Embracing Fossil Fuels by William Yardley

“If all 19 of the current LNG proposals in the province were built, according to Powell’s research, British Columbia would become the world’s largest LNG exporter many times over, dwarfing the current leaders, Qatar and Australia. Emissions from LNG terminals and refineries could drastically increase the level of greenhouse gas emissions within the province — and much of those emissions would be exempt from the carbon tax, according to analyses of Clark’s plans.” Read More…

Why Grizzly Bears Rub Trees by Andrea Thompson

“Grizzly bears that rub their backs against trees aren’t trying to scratch that unbearable itch. They’re actually doing it to communicate with each other, one scientist says.” Read More…

This article shines new light on the previous theory of bears just having ‘Jungle Boogie’ stuck in their heads. 🙂

Photo credit: Owen Nevin

87% of B.C. Grizzly Deaths Due to Trophy Hunting, Records Reveal by Emma Gilchrist

“Eighty-seven per cent of known, human-caused grizzly bear deaths in B.C. are attributable to trophy hunters, who have killed 12,026 grizzly bears since the government began keeping records in 1975, according to data obtained by David Suzuki Foundation.” Read More…

Photo credit: Dogwood

Is It O.K. to Tinker With the Environment to Fight Climate Change? by Jon Gertner

“Climate change already presents a demoralizing array of challenges — melting ice sheets and species extinctions — but the ultimate severity of its impacts depends greatly on how drastically technology and societies can change over the next few decades.” Read More…

Illustration credit: Valero Doval

Accelerate Kootenays Shows How To Go Electric – Kootenay Style!

53 more electric car charging stations are coming to the Kootenays soon, so now is the time to finally get off gas. Watch the great video above and read more about electric cars in the Kootenays over on our blog.


We could go on, but that seems like a healthy amount of content for the weekend, so we’ll leave it at 5.

Of course, if you’re hungry for more, you can always jump over to Wildsight’s News section for some extra reading material (where, among other things, we’ve recently posted a snapshot of another amazing year of Beyond Recycling). And don’t forget to have a peek at our upcoming Events, especially considering that it is Earth Day this Saturday and we’ve got a bunch of Earth Day related events on the 22nd.

And if you’re not already, following Wildsight on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (and following the above publications) is always a good option for making sure a healthy number of important topics find their way into your daily feeds.

Hope you had a good week and that your weekend will be of the wild variety. Also, Happy Earth Day!