Help Protect our Bees: Ban the Neonicotinoid Imidacloprid

Health Canada is currently taking public comments on the proposed ban of imidacloprid, a widely used neonicotinoid insecticide that many experts believe to be a significant threat to our declining bee populations. Public comments will only be accepted until March 23, 2017, so please join us now in voicing concerns about the importance of stopping the use of this harmful chemical.

If you read the recent draft risk assessment that Health Canada released for public comment, you may notice that it does not discuss the harmful effects imidacloprid has on bees. This is because threats to pollinators are being covered in a separate assessment, which is still in process since 2012.

Instead, the risk assessment focuses on the harmful effects imidacloprid has on aquatic insects and the ecosystem. Which makes it worth noting that—even when omitting the deadly link neonicotinoid insecticide has been shown to have with our dangerously declining bee populations (video)—the risk assessment still concludes that “based on currently available information, the continued high-volume use of imidacloprid in agricultural areas is not sustainable.”

Unfortunately, Health Canada is proposing to give industry 3-5 years to phase out imidacloprid. Let them know that we can’t wait 3-5 years to stop using this toxic pesticide, especially as the effects on bees are not being dealt with in a timely manner!

And please make sure to let them know before the March 23rd deadline.