Come and Join the Tradition! Join Golden’s 33rd Annual Christmas Bird Count


Submitted by Christmas Bird Count volunteers

Do you enjoy watching our winter birds? If so, you should participate in this year’s Christmas Bird Count which will be held Saturday, December 30th.   This fun community science project, provides us with an important snapshot of our native bird populations during the winter months. Christmas Bird Counts take place in thousands of communities across the continent every year and provides important  long term  information on  bird population trends. This long-term perspective informs strategies to protect birds and their habitat and helps identify environmental issues that have implications for people as well. 

How it Works

Counts are open to birders of all ages and skill levels. You will need to sign up for a route. If you have done the count before you can request a route you are familiar with. 

All of the routes are located within the Golden count circle (see map). On December 30th volunteer bird watchers will either monitor birds at your feeder or  follow assigned routes within that circle counting every bird they see. You can spend as long as you like. Bundle up and grab the binoculars! At the end of the day (24-hour period), you submit your list of species, numbers, and how long you spent watching to the compilers. 

In a normal year we may form small groups so that those new to bird identification could join others with more experience and learn together. This year volunteers will have to stick with those already in your social bubble so we can all stay safe. Audubon’s free Bird Guide app is one of the many resources available to help with bird ID. 

Volunteer compilers Joan Dolinsky and Annette Luttermann will coordinate the process in Golden. To sign up for the count in Golden, please contact Joan  and Annette at   You will be provided with a map, a simple field data sheet, and answers to all your questions!