Keep the Wild in Your Life: Donate today to double your donation!

“There’s a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” Leonard Cohen

I’m walking down a freshly cut logging road and the day is dark with clouds hanging to the valley bottom. They seem to go on forever. I’m looking around for light, because there seems to be enough dark these days, with the US election gone so very wrong, with our own governments continuing to move ahead with energy schemes that drown valleys and doom land and water.

But there is light—we create it together—and we must keep moving forward, fighting for the things that are important to us.

Together we’ve won some hard fought victories this year. Thank you for all of your support, for your time, energy and donations. Because of you, the federal boating regulation to protect the Columbia River has finally been enacted after more than a decade of persistent advocacy. The Jumbo Glacier Resort is slowly being relegated to a nasty piece of history. Logging plans in the Flathead and elsewhere have been modified to maintain critical wildlife corridors. And more kids in the Columbia Basin have gotten outside to learn about the wild in their backyards than ever before. But we’ve still got a long road to make lasting change.

Please donate generously to keep the wild in our lives—to create the kind of change that will be felt by our grandchildren. For every donation made from Dec 27 to Dec 31st, a generous donor will match your donation, doubling your impact.

As people who value wilderness, you and I are incredibly fortunate. Look around. In the Kootenays, we enjoy a place recognized globally as one of the best opportunities to maintain intact and connected wild ecosystems. It’s a giant responsibility in the face of so much looming darkness, but it’s up to you; it’s up to all of us to work together to keep the wild in our communities, in our families and in ourselves.

Change begins at home. It begins here and now.

Will you join us by making a donation today? Help us provide refuge from the storm for people and creatures. Get out and engage with the beauty that surrounds us. Be a light in the dark.

For the wild,

John Bergenske, Conservation Director, Wildsight

p.s. All the best of the season to you and your family and friends.