Photo by Ian Cobb

Sixth Year Anniversary of the Qat'muk Declaration

Ktunaxa ?amak?is –

Six years ago, the Ktunaxa Nation made public their Qat’muk Declaration, affirming the spiritual, cultural and ecological values of Qat’muk and the Ktunaxa’s stewardship obligation to protect its lands and waters. For more than 10,000 years, the Ktunaxa have stewarded this land; for 25 years, they have been steadfast in their opposition to the proposed Jumbo Glacier Resort. Wildsight stands in strong support of the Ktunaxa’s Qat’muk Declaration and their leadership in creating a Qat’muk management plan that upholds the stewardship principles outlined in the Qat’muk Declaration, according to the philosophy of Yaqaⱡ Hankatiⱡiⱡki na ʔamak.

We understand from Ktunaxa that Qat’muk is where Kⱡawⱡa Tukⱡuⱡakʔis, the Grizzly Bear Spirit, was born, goes to heal itself and returns to the spirit world. It includes the Toby-Jumbo Watershed, the South Fork Glacier Creek, Horsethief Creek and Farnham Creeks. The Grizzly Bear Spirit is an important source of guidance, strength, protection and spirituality for the Ktunaxa. Qat’muk’s importance for the Grizzly Bear Spirit is inextricably interlinked with its importance for living grizzly bears now and in the future.

Wildsight celebrates the rich history of the Ktunaxa Nation and their 10,000 years of stewardship on Ktunaxa ?ama?kis. We have been honoured to stand in solidarity with the Ktunaxa Nation in their fight to protect Qat’muk—a fight that will go before the Supreme Court of Canada on December 1.

Lead Image by Ian Cobb.