Jumbo Wild Sends Clear Message

Companie des Alpes (Euronext:CDA) and France Neige International visited the Jumbo Valley to consider the feasibility of investing in the Jumbo Glacier Resort this week. Representatives of the French ski conglomerate received a strong message during their visit to the Jumbo Valley. ‘The people of the Kootenays want to keep Jumbo Wild,” was the message delivered by a delegation of 80 residents as the prospective foreign investors toured the region. Last week, the B.C. government approved the Master Development Agreement of the Jumbo Glacier Resort (JGR). The District of Invermere, local MLA Norm Macdonald and the Ktunaxa Nation Council have all opposed the proposed development. “Community opposition to the development remains very strong,” says Wildsight’s Robyn Duncan. “There is widespread disappointment that the government approved the Jumbo Glacier Resort in the face of overwhelming local opposition, scientifically demonstrated grizzly bear impacts and contrary to the Ktunaxa First Nation’s cultural values. However, people remain confident that the proposed real estate development will not move forward.” “The Jumbo Resort will not be built. It’s a bad deal for the environment, for our communities and for any imprudent investors. The provincial government has been clear that developers would be responsible for all the infrastructure – including a 200 million dollar road through hazardous avalanche terrain,” Duncan says. The approval of the Master Development Agreement includes over 100 conditions that have yet to be satisfactorily addressed by project proponents. Contact: Robyn Duncan, Wildsight Purcells Program Manager 250.432.5422 • Robyn@Wildsight.ca