Wildsight Golden Climate Champion for January 2022

Introducing Wildsight Golden’s first Climate Champion for the month of January.

The Climate Champion is an individual or business that has done the most to champion the kind of climate action that Golden needs to see. The Climate Champion has been identified as one that inspires, motivates and encourages our community to work to reduce emissions, lower carbon footprints and cut waste. The goal of illuminating the climate champions that live and work among us is to challenge our community to take similar actions.

Thread the Needle is our first Climate Champion! Noemie Roy is the owner of this outdoor gear repair business. Thread the Needle came from a desire to make a change in people’s habits of consumption and reduce waste to create a greener community. Here are some words from Noemie, talking about Thread the Needle:

“Our goal is to provide our customers with professional outdoor gear repairs while helping them become more environmentally friendly with their gear. We believe that repairs are the key to a sustainable future and that together we can play a small part in renewing, repurposing, and recycling adventure clothing and equipment.

“This is our third winter in business and it is truly exciting to observe the growing number of items coming in the shop – and staying out of the landfill! We are pleased with how many outdoor enthusiasts choose to repair over buying new. We would love this habit to become the norm, so keep up the good work Golden and keep sending us your damaged gear!”

Here is where you can find their drop-off guidelines.

We choose a new climate champion every month. Email Kiana, Wildsight Golden’s Project Coordinator to nominate next month’s Climate Champion by January 15th, 2022.