Family Place Nature Walk: Duck Lake

Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Creston Valley Branch
Meet at the Channel Road Road Closure Gate
Duck Lake South, on Channel Road, Creston, BC, 49.205751, -116.595478Park at the end of Channel Road, before the vehicle gate closure.

We are doing one walk per month in partnership with Creston Family Place.  We are happy to be supporting early years (ages 0-6) programming in the valley. These are short walks to explore the outdoors with your family.

Please register yourself and your child/children in advance for this free program. Space is limited to 10 participants.

COVID-19 safety protocols will be in place for this walk. Adults are required to wear masks at this time.

This walk will take place in the Creston Valley Wildlife Management Area at Duck Lake from 10:30-11:30am on Wednesday, April 28, 2021. The Duck Lake South Dike is closed from March 15 to April 30th for the conservation of the northern leopard frog.  We will walk a short distance along the road and back, and see if we can spot any ducks, eagles and amphibians! We will meet at the gate on Channel Road. Bring extra layers, snacks, water and your curiosity.


More Information

Please Note
  • No toilets on site
  • Bring water and snacks
  • Rain or Shine- bring a sunhat, sunscreen, toque, mitts, sweater, rain jacket, boots
  • Flat, but uneven terrain



Contact Melissa Flint: