Wildsight Kimberley Cranbrook AGM

Wildsight Kimberley Cranbrook Branch AGM

April 13th, 2016 Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce, 2279 Cranbrook St. N.


  1. Welcome
  2. Introductions of attendees
  3. Approval of Agenda
  4. Approval of 2015 Minutes
  5. Approval of 2015/2016 Financial Statements
  6. Election of Board of Directors
  7. Summary of 2015/16 Projects
  8. Discussion
  9. Next meeting Date
  10. Adjournment

2015 AGM MINUTES – Click on the following for the 2015 Wildsight Kimberley Cranbrook AGM Minutes – KimCranAGM2015-Minutes

Please also note the following stipulations from our Policies and Procedures Manual for declaring your candidacy for election.

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1.1.    Elections shall be conducted as set out in Wildsight Regional and Branch Bylaws

1.2.   The maximum number of directors elected at any one time will be 12.

1.2.1.  If there are fewer than 12 candidates, those nominated will be declared elected by acclamation.

1.2.2.  If there are more than 12 candidates, a secret ballot vote will be held in which those 12 candidates who receive the greatest number of secret ballot votes will be elected.

1.2.3.  The chairperson may designate a member who is not a Director to conduct a vote and act as scrutineer.

1.3.   Candidates for the Board of directors must:

1.3.1.  Be a member of Wildsight Kimberley Cranbrook in good standing  at least one week prior to the start of the meeting;

1.3.2.  Be nominated by another member in good standing;

1.3.3.  Provide notice of their nomination to the Branch Manager at least 24 hours before the start of the meeting where elections are to take place.

1.4.   Customary Practice 2016: Candidates are advised to provide a brief written introduction of themselves (not more than 200 words) for presentation to those present at the meeting. Such introduction may include but need not be limited to:

1.4.1.  Name

1.4.2.  Occupation/career

1.4.3.  Experience and or education

1.4.4.  Reason(s)  for their candidacy

This policy has been copied from the Wildsight Kimberley Cranbrook Policies and Procedures Manual. Click here to view the Policies and Procedures Manual Adopted March 8, 2016. Feel free to contact Andrea Chapman at kimcran@wildsight.ca or 250-427-9325 x 221 with any questions or concerns.