Old growth forests need your help

Old growth forests in the Kootenays are at risk. The time to act is now. Tell BC to end the logging of old growth forests.

We are in the midst of both a climate and biodiversity crisis—with rising land and ocean temperatures, and up to one million species at risk of extinction. Conserving and restoring forests, wetlands and other natural ecosystems are important steps to help fight back against these crises. 

Old growth forests are important for both sequestering carbon and supporting biodiversity—they are resilient ecosystems that protect watersheds for people and nature. Old growth forests are critical for so much of our wildlife. Despite the critical role that old growth forests have, the province of BC continues to allow logging of these ancient forests. 

Right now, the government is holding a consultation on the future of old growth forest management in the province—your comments can make a real difference.

Please take a few minutes and let the province know that you want to end the logging of our old growth forests—fill in the government’s short survey now. 

Some key ideas to bear in mind as you fill out the survey:

  • We don’t have much old growth left in BC, so it’s time to stop pretending we’re “balancing” economic or other interests while we cut down what little old growth we have left.
  • Logging is by far the biggest threat to our old growth and industrial activity and fire are important factors as well.
  • The best way to stop the loss of our old growth is simply to protect it from logging and industrial activity entirely. Designated protections for specific areas of old growth are the strongest way to make sure it doesn’t end up logged, while legally-binding land use plans, provincial parks, and changes to forest practices can also help.
  • The BC Government needs to hear loud and clear that British Columbians don’t want to see any more of our old growth logged.

Fill out the government’s short survey here. The consultation period is open until January 31, 2020.

Globally, change is already happening. Australia recently announced an end to old growth logging. BC must do the same. And there is support across the province—recent polling confirms that 9 in 10 British Columbians support taking action to defend old growth forests.

The time to act is now. Old growth forests in the Kootenays are at risk. Right now, we are faced with plans by Canfor—one of the province’s largest logging companies—to log old growth forests across the Kootenay region. Additionally, provincial legislation continues to allow logging on private land in the Kootenays—specifically by Canwel and Jemi—who are liquidating the last of the old growth forest on their large land holdings. 

Our old growth forests need to be protected today. Wildsight has begun discussions with the province as part of the latest consultations on the future of old growth forests in British Columbia, including providing input into proposed revisions to the Forest and Range Practices Act. We hope that these changes will be a first step on the path to make forestry truly sustainable for nature and our communities.

But we need your help. Tell the BC government to end the logging of old growth today.

Photos: Header Kari Medig, Second Rachel Darvil