Location: Fernie Arts Station
Time: 7:00pm
- 7:00pm Call to Order
- Welcoming remarks
- Approval of agenda
- Approval of AGM 2015 Minutes
- Presentation and approval of audited financial statements for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015
- Election of Regional Directors
- Program Highlights for the year
- Meeting Adjourns
7:30pm – “This Changes Everything” Film
March 24, 2015 in Cranbrook, BC
Present: Brian Conrad, Robyn Duncan, Margie Jamieson, Baiba Morrow, John Bergenske, Stephanie Hirn, Andrea Chapman, Lindsay Cuff, Ayla Bennett, Lloyd Hodge, Ian Murdoch, Andrew Macwatt, Dan Hicks, Joy Grassmick, Susan Walp, Virginia Rasch, Susan Bond, Jordan Zinovich, Gerry Warner, Joan Braw
Meeting chaired by: Brian Conrad, Regional Council Chair
Minutes taken by: Robyn Duncan
Call to Order: 6:24pm
1. Welcoming remarks
2. Approval of Agenda: Motion to approve agenda by Ayla Bennett; seconded by Baiba Morrow, no discussion; motion carried.
3. Approval of 2014 AGM minutes: Motion by Margie Jamieson; seconded by Baiba Morrow; no discussion; motion carried
4. Presentation and approval of audited financial statements for the year ending September 2013: Presented by Robyn Duncan, ED on behalf of Morgan Blakely, Treasurer. Discussion around financials. Motion to approve the financial statements as presented by Ayla Bennett; seconded by Margie Jamieson, all in favor, motion carried.
5. Election of regional council directors: Thank you to Margie Jamieson (present) who is leaving the board.
- One year remaining in two year term: Brian Conrad, Ayla Bennett, Annette Lutterman, Baiba Morrow
- Nominations for a two year term: Morgan Blakely, Jim Smith
- Motion by Susan Bond to approve nomination slate as presented; seconded by John Bergenske; motion carried.
6. Program highlights for the year by Robyn Duncan, John Bergenske and Lindsay Cuff: Discussing Education, Water, Conservation and commended Branches on the amazing grassroots level work they are doing in their communities. Meeting Adjourned 7:45 pm Moved by Margie Jamieson, Seconded by Ayla Bennett. Carried. Meeting adjourned.