Speak up now for stronger environmental assessments in BC!

British Columbia is reforming our environmental assessment process—and this is your chance to weigh in for strong environmental protections.

BC’s environmental assessments consider the consequences of major projects—like the proposed Jumbo Glacier Resort, pipelines and Elk Valley coal mines—on our natural world. Environmental assessments play a big part in deciding whether or not projects can go ahead.

We have known for years that our outdated EA process needed a rethink and redesign for the 21st century. We need an environmental assessment process that considers the cumulative impacts of projects, that considers climate impacts, that fosters meaningful public participation in decision making, that uses independent science and that requires informed indigenous consent.

This is not just about policy—it’s about the river you fish in, the mountains you escape to on the weekend, the lake you’ve gone to since you were a kid. It’s about making sure we preserve BC’s extraordinary natural values.

Speak up now for a strong environmental assessment process for British Columbia. You have until 4pm on July 30 to make your voice heard.