Job Posting: Rocky Mountain Trench Society Coordinator

The Rocky Mountain Trench Natural Resources Society (Trench Society) is seeking a full-time coordinator.
The successful applicant:
• Must have related natural resource management qualifications and experience suitable for promoting and delivering grassland ecosystem restoration and
conservation activities;
• Be responsible for all administrative, financial, technical and management activities associated with the operations of the Society and funded projects;
• Liaise and cooperate with associated government agencies, First Nations, other non-government organizations, forest industry, stakeholders, media and the public to carry out the goals and objectives of the Society;
• Must aggressively apply to established programs that provide funding to complete project activities that support the Society’s goals and objectives;
• Provide an office with equipment necessary to carry out the business of the Society in an efficient and professional manner, including, but not limited to: personal, computer, printer, scanner, photo copier, internet Wi-Fi, handheld GPS, etc.
• Provide a reliable 4 wheel drive vehicle with a VHF radio with local forestry road and landing channels.

Please provide a resume outlining applicable qualifications, experience, and relevant references on or before March 16, 2018, by email to

Founded in 1996, the Trench Society is a coalition of 11 non-government environmental, hunting, ranching and wildlife organizations working together to promote, restore and conserve the grassland and open forest ecosystems in the Rocky Mountain Trench of the East Kootenay region. The Trench Society is a registered BC society, a registered federal charity, and a partner in the Rocky Mountain Trench Ecosystem Restoration Program For more information about the Rocky Mountain Trench Natural Resources Society and/or the Coordinator Position, email Dan Murphy at