The Island Restaurant is April's Climate Champion

The Island restaurant is Wildsight Golden’s April climate champion. The Island was chosen because of the several initiatives by owners Aaron and Petra in order to reduce their carbon footprint/ecological impact.

Some of the things the Island has been doing to reduce their impact on the environment and climate include not using plastic bags (both for its business and shopping), composting, collecting rainwater with a rain barrel to water their garden, recycling everything they can including batteries and lightbulbs, using compostable takeout boxes, straws and cutlery, offering discounts to customers who bring their own reusable mug and trying to reduce food waste as much as possible.

One of the challenges the Island faces is finding large, strong biodegradable garbage bags for their kitchen. Aaron and Petra have also received criticism for their initiatives. We live in a society where convenience is valued and therefore people aren’t always willing to spend more time on something if it means reducing their ecological footprint. Nonetheless, Aaron and Petra have persisted throughout the years and are always looking for more ways to reduce their environmental impact. The Island is a great example of what other restaurants could be doing to reduce their environmental impact too. 

We choose a new climate champion every month. Email Leslie, Branch Manager at to nominate next month’s Climate Champion by April 15th, 2022.