Unchecked recreation or restored balance

For years, unregulated recreation and random camping has impacted the local community, grasslands and wildlife habitat in the Koocanusa area. The Koocanusa Recreation Strategy is an attempt to restore balance to the landscape and was created after years of engagement from stakeholder groups, government, including First Nations, and local community members. The strategy identifies designated areas for camping and for different forms of recreational activities, concentrating impact in certain sectors and leaving others as priorities for wildlife.

A survey is seeking feedback on the Koocanusa Recreation Strategy until March 28. Please take a minute to support this recreation strategy and help to restore balance to the landscape.

Grasslands are one of the most impacted ecosystems in Canada, as they frequently intersect with human development in valley bottoms, like the grasslands of the Rocky Mountain Trench. They are home to many species, like the long-billed curlew and Lewis’ woodpecker, and provide important food for ungulates like deer and elk.

We are seeing increased impacts from recreation throughout the Kootenays — Koocanusa has become wildly popular with recreation of all forms, including mud bogging, biking and camping. Increasingly, police and Conservation Officers are having to intervene in unregulated events. Recreation management plans support our continued recreation while attempting to find a balance, and identifying areas where wildlife and local community needs are prioritized. Please support the Koocanusa Recreation Strategy today and support the efforts of so many that went into finding a made-in-the-Kootenays solution to support balanced recreation at Koocanusa.

Take action today.