Section 80 Application under the Species at Risk Act

Please find enclosed a s.80 Request under the Species at Risk Act (SARA) for an emergency order to stop logging in Federally identified critical habitat of the Southern Mountain Caribou in the Revelstoke Shuswap Local Planning Unit in British Columbia, Canada.

In 2018, a concerned local, and mountain caribou representative for The North Columbia Environmental Society (NCES), now Wildsight Revelstoke, Virginia Thompson, Lee Harding, wildlife biologist, and Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative (Y2Y) submitted this s.80 Request under SARA for an Emergency Order by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change.

They hoped to avoid the imminent threat to the survival and recovery of the herds of southern mountain caribou in the Revelstoke Shuswap Local Population Unit of the Southern Group of Southern Mountain Caribou in British Columbia.

It is an important document in support of protection for our endangered species and continues to be an issue that Wildsight Revelstoke cares deeply about.



The highly endangered caribou rely on large tracts of old forests for their winter food and protection from predators. Habitat loss, degradation and fragmentation from…Read more...