2021: A Year to Build a Better Economy for People and Nature

While the pandemic has undeniably been a crisis of historic proportions, it has also reminded us that strong communities look after each other, that decisive collective action is possible, and that nature can recover if we give it a chance. We can find hope amidst crisis, and build back better than we were before.

Across Canada, hundreds of thousands of citizens mobilized to demand a just and green economic recovery for all: one that rebuilds our economy while caring for people and the environment.

We wrote letters, met with Members of Parliament, and attended massive virtual rallies. Our cause was supported by economists, labour unions, and nonprofits of all sorts. Even elected officials (some of them Kootenay-based) and business organizations stepped up.

Our voices were heard. The provincial and federal governments have both put forward economic recovery plans that invest in ecosystem conservation, renewable energy, clean transport, green tech, building retrofits, climate adaptation, plastics reductions and carbon footprint abatements by industry.

Now it’s our turn to bring these investments home and make our mountain communities more sustainable. How? By encouraging our businesses, municipalities and homeowners to take advantage of these programs. You can also support Kootenay organizations, including your local Wildsight branch. With your help we are working hard to steward our environment. Your talents and economic contributions can help seize these opportunities presented and do more!

Although promising, the recovery incentives are not large enough to move our society on a path to sustainability. For this reason, people must continue pushing governments and corporations to invest in a green economy, and hold them accountable to their promises of protecting our land and waters, so that future generations can thrive.

At the same time, each of us needs to keep examining our own consumption habits, and choose alternatives that are better. Vote with our dollars, as they say, and support companies that are doing their share for the planet.

2021 is just starting and there’s already so much to do! Let’s roll up our sleeves and make it a year for the planet and all living things. And when you are lacking inspiration and energy, take a walk in the outdoors, enjoy the fresh forest air, marvel at the snow-capped mountains and watch the birds take flight… even a small encounter with the wild will remind you it is all worth it.

Take action: