Kids need nature

I hope, like me, you have had a chance this summer to get outside and reconnect with nature. To breathe in cool air sweeping off a rushing river, or savour wildflowers blooming on a mountain trail. To listen to birds chattering in trees, and feel the sun on your face. To recalibrate and restore some well-being amidst the uncertainty of these times.

You know the importance of being outside and meaningfully connecting to nature. The pandemic has reminded us all of our relationship with our environment, giving us a safe space to go to when the world turned upside down.

Our children need that relationship with nature too, perhaps more than ever before. They need to know that we are a part of nature and not apart from it.

Will you give $60 to make sure they too feel, see, hear and smell the beauty of the natural world around us?

You know kids who learn about nature grow up to be adults who take care of our planet. When students study the plants and animals we share our wild backyards with, they learn compassion for our wild neighbours and their homes.

Environmental education provides students the chance to learn in nature, not just about nature. We need your help to deliver the environmental education our world needs. More teachers want us to help get their students outside than we have the resources for. With your support, more children will be inspired by the natural world around them.

Your tax-deductible donation of:
• $60 will allow three children to explore and learn from the wonders of the natural world.
• $250 means half a class can dive into the ecology of their wild backyard with a day-long field trip to their local grassland, wetland or forest.
• $500 brings a whole class outdoors!

Thanks to you, students will grow to love our natural world. Thanks to you, kids will get a bit more muddy and turn dirty fingernails into locked-in learning. Kids who watch wetlands work, look for lichen, and inspect insects will better understand their own connection to our planet as they grow. Will you help us to inspire these leaders of tomorrow?

Even as COVID-19 shut down traditional learning last spring, Wildsight brought environmental education curriculum to students online. No matter what happens with schooling this year, with your support, students can continue to learn about nature.

Without your support, we can’t take every class outside. We just don’t have enough funds to make sure every child experiences the wonder of the outdoors.
Cn you help to inspire the next generation of students?

You could be the reason for a student to learn the value of saving our wilderness. Your gift matters.

With much gratitude,

Monica Nissen
Wildsight Education Director

P.S. Would you consider becoming a monthly donor to support this amazing opportunity for our region’s youth? Will you give $10 per month to get kids outside, all year round? If monthly donations aren’t possible for you right now, would you consider a one-time gift of $60 to Wildsight Education programs?