Citizen Science- Fun for Everyone! Bumble Bee Watch

Here is another citizen science project you can do from home!

Bumblebee watching

As the days grow warmer, you will start seeing more and more pollinators. You might be surprised with how many types of insects visit your backyard. Bumblebees have large bodies, striped patterns and dense fur. Unlike many other insects, they can thermoregulate their body temperature. Bumble bees can shiver, which generates enough heat to use their flying muscles. As a result, bumble bees can fly in cooler temperatures than other bees.

Now is a great time to join the citizen science project Bumble Bee Watch. Observing bumblebees can be a real joy. It is a delight to sit by blooming flowers and hear the hum of wings working busily to collect nectar and pollen.  Citizen science projects also collect truly valuable information for conservation efforts!

Spend some time with your family looking for pollinators on flowers in your backyard. You could frame it as a scavenger hunt for a different kind of pollinator each day. If you want much more challenging quest, you could even keep your eyes open for bumblebee nests.  Bumblebee nests are usually underground in an abandoned rodent hole, but can also be found in rock piles, in tree cavities, or in leaves.

Happy bumble bee watching!