It's up to us to write the story

I’m writing to you because we need your help today to fight for our wildlife and wild spaces. You may have seen the many news reports coming out lately about how our world’s wilderness is disappearing. About how we’ve wiped out 60% of our planet’s mammals, birds, fish and reptiles since 1970. It’s upsetting, to say the least. This is not just happening somewhere else—wildlife is disappearing right here in the Kootenays, and across Canada.

Something has to change if we want wildlife and wilderness to continue being part of our world. We need to work together like we never have before. Will you give $40 today to help protect wildlife habitat and our remaining wilderness?

This is an important cultural and ecological moment. A moment where we decide to protect our special places or to let the world’s remaining wilderness slip through our fingers. There may not be so many opportunities later on—but you and I, we have this chance. Will you give $40 today to help fight for the special wild places you love?

Your generous gift will help hold Canada accountable—helping to speak to all levels of government, letting them know that the special wild places you love, incomparable places in the Purcells and Southern Rockies, need to be protected, and they need to be protected now.

Your gift will help protect habitat for animals like mountain caribou and grizzlies that rely on large areas of un-roaded wilderness. Your donation will help speak up for the provincial and federal governments to protect and prioritize wildlife and wild places.

The only way I know how to keep going in these challenging times is to take action. By fighting for the things you believe in, you create hope—and real change.

It’s up to us to write our story. Let’s work together to write a story of how people in the Kootenays and beyond came together to fight for their wilderness. And won.

For the wild,

Robyn Duncan
Executive Director, Wildsight

p.s. If you can, please consider giving $10/month to help protect wild places and wildlife all year round. Thank you and happy holidays!