Take Action: Support Boating Regulation on the Columbia

Create lasting protection for the upper Columbia River & Wetlands

The Columbia Wetlands are one of the world’s living treasures, with hundreds of thousands of birds, fish, reptiles and mammals. But, boating on the main channel of the river is mostly unregulated. Without protection, these birds, including the great blue heron and many other vulnerable species, are under threat.

You have an important opportunity to support a proposed boating regulation limiting boats to 20 hp on the upper Columbia River, extending from Fairmont Hot Springs to Donald, excluding Lake Windermere.

After many years of hard work to protect this incredible ecosystem, Wildsight and the BC Ministry of the Environment agreed to jointly request this important regulation from Transport Canada. Your support will make sure that this long-awaited regulation is adopted – and will help protect this wild river into the future. The comment period is only open until May 2nd. Take one minute to voice your support now.

If we don’t regulate boating on the upper Columbia, we’ll likely see habitat degradation and impact on nesting waterfowl and other sensitive animals in the adjacent wetlands.

Take action now.

Using our pre-made form is easy. It only takes a minute to let the government know how important the Columbia River and Wetlands are to you and your community. Your voice in support of this regulation will have lasting, beneficial impact on this special ecosystem for generations to come.