Action Alert: Tell Christy Clark we need REAL Climate Leadership

We all know that we need to make significant reductions in our carbon emissions to avoid catastrophic climate change. BC’s Climate Leadership Team has made a set of recommendations to government that would put us on a long term path to some emissions reductions, but it’s not enough – we need real action now. Christy Clark calls BC a climate leader, but the reality is that despite some promising early steps nearly a decade ago, we’ve done little.

Until April 8th at noon, you have the chance to comment on the climate leadership team’s recommendations. It’s quick and easy to send our suggested comment to let Christy Clark and the BC government know that we want real climate action now or you can write your own.

Our carbon emissions per person in BC are still high on a global scale – and growing. With proposed LNG development, we’d see our emissions skyrocket. But with our abundant natural resources, our strong workforce and communities, and some political will, we could become real climate leaders by building a low-carbon western lifestyle and economy.

Take action today to call for real climate leadership! Send your comment on the Climate Leadership team’s recommendations to Christy Clark, the BC Government, and the cabinet working group on climate.