What will you fight for?

I watched my husband and my son march with Search and Rescue in our small town’s Remembrance Day parade yesterday morning. I was filled to the brim as I thought of my grandfather, a second world war navy veteran, and how proud he would be to see my family’s beautiful life and know that he had fought for something.

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It made me think: what do I want to fight for? Is it enough to pursue comfort and success, or do I want to reach beyond myself, beyond my family, even beyond the next generation, and make sure that my son’s grandchildren can experience the things that I value most? The delight of wandering through a wild and wide open space with no buildings or other humans in sight. The magic of imitating a bird song, the surprise at making eye contact with a moose. The freedom to explore and curiosity to understand nature’s secrets.

I don’t want to imagine a future in which my son looks me in the eyes and asks, “What happened to all the wild places?”

Will you help me make sure that future never exists?

We’re over halfway to our goal of raising $10,000 to keep the Jumbo Valley wild.Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your support over the last 24 years. We couldn’t have done any of it without you

Donate today and help us reach our goal. Let’s fight for Jumbo, for the wild, for the world we are borrowing from our children.