Jumbo Wild: The Movement

We knew this was going to be big. But how big, we couldn’t have possibly imagined. The world’s eyes are on Jumbo. Our own wild Jumbo.

Over the last two weeks, Jumbo Wild, the feature documentary made by Sweetgrass Productions and supported by Patagonia, has been playing to sold out audiences across British Columbia—Invermere, Cranbrook, Nelson, Vancouver, Victoria, Whistler—and has been screening around the world in places like Japan, France and Italy, to name a few! We’re excited to say that there will more screenings in BC, kicking of with Revelstoke on October 29th. We’ll be posting the new screenings on the Jumbo Wild website.

The support that has been pouring in has been overwhelming. People writing to ask what they can do, donations made from every corner of the globe and thousands of petitions piling up asking Premier Christy Clark to say no to development and yes to permanent protection of the Jumbo Valley. If you haven’t signed the petition yet, add your voice here.

This is as much your story as it is ours—thank you for everything! We’re pleased to share this featurette: a short inspiring 8 minute version of the film.

We also wanted to let you know the exciting news that the Ktunaxa Nation has now brought their case before the Supreme Court of Canada. Read their announcement here.