Beyond Recycling


59961861-br3In Beyond Recycling, grade 5 and 6 students embark on a rich 24-week investigation into the impact of their lifestyles—energy, waste and consumption—to discover how their everyday actions affect the health of the planet and how they can be agents of positive change. The goal of Beyond Recycling, our solutions-focused sustainability education program for intermediate students, is to inspire and empower youth to take a leadership role in making positive environmental changes in their homes, schools and communities.

Since Beyond Recycling began in 2006, it has grown from one program in one community to 20 programs in 13 communities!

Find out more on the Beyond Recycling website.

Contact us about starting a program in your local school! 

Wildsight thanks our Beyond Recycling funders: the CSRD, the Province of British Columbia, and the RDCK.

Education news

It’s official: B.C’s annual April snow survey confirms this winter is leaving our province with its lowest snowpack on record at just…Read more 
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Stewards of the stream

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A group of elementary school students is wiser about their local water thanks to an innovative program that connects kids, curiosity, and curriculum together to…Read more 

Winter family fun

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Join The Team

Want to protect wildlife, clean water and wild spaces? Volunteer with us! Wildsight volunteers are a very special group of people who give generously of their time to stuff envelopes, attend rallies, help run events, put up posters, keep tabs on forestry practices in their communities and participate in citizen science initiatives.