Here is a copy of the powerpoint from the Virtual AGM:
And the Minutes:
Join us on-line or on the phone on Thursday, April 23, 2020 at 4:30 PM MT. We will host the on-line (or on the telephone) event through the Zoom platform.
The meeting will be a shortened version of the planned in-person event. It will include just the business parcel – those requirements we need to meet to maintain our society status.
We will use the Zoom platform for this meeting. For those of you not familiar with Zoom, you may want to test your computer or phone and download the app if needed ahead of time here:
Questions & voting
There will be space in the meeting where attendees will be asked if there are any questions and to vote. We will use the Zoom chat feature to accept questions / comments and to vote. The chat feature can be found at the bottom of the Zoom screen.
Please join us at by clicking this link:
Call details for Zoom:
Dial by your location +1 647 558 0588 Meeting ID: 325 202 544
All members participating be entered to win a beautiful Sarah Osadetz print. The winner will be drawn at the end of the AGM. See here for more details.