Wildsight Elk Valley 2022 AGM

Monday, March 7, 2022 at 7:00 pm MT
Elk Valley Branch
your home via zoom

Join the Wildsight Elk Valley  Annual General Meeting online on March 7, 2022. We will start at 7 PM on zoom.

We’ll be reviewing the fantastic year we had in 2021 which included the opening of the Local store, expansion of our Community EcoGarden, and more.

We are seeking new board members. If you have an interest in our Branch programs, which centre around food sovereignty, local food production and waste reduction, please consider applying to be a board member with our Branch. Nominations can be taken from the floor at the meeting, but we’d love to hear from you ahead of time. If you are interested in joining the board, please contact Mary Cosman, board chair, or any other Elk Valley Board member for more information.

All active members are eligible to vote on motions and elections at this meeting. Please join us!