Photo: Rachel Darvill

Swallow conservation initiatives in the Columbia Valley Webinar

Monday, April 11, 2022 at 12:00 PM Mountain time
Golden Branch
Your home

Did you know that there are six species of swallows in the Columbia Valley with two listed as species-at-risk (bank and barn swallows)? In this webinar, project biologist of the multi-faceted Upper Columbia
Swallow Habitat Enhancement Project (UCSHEP), Rachel Darvill, will speak about the swallow conservation actions that she is doing through Wildsight Golden’s 5-year (2021-2026) UCSHEP. In this
webinar she will discuss what the project has accomplished so far and what this project hopes to accomplish in the future – actions working to accomplish bank and barn swallow recovery through
habitat enhancement, restoration, monitoring and private landowner outreach. In addition, she will speak to the Motus Wildlife Tracking Stations this project (in collaboration with ECCC’s Canadian Wildlife
Service) is installing in the Columbia Valley this year, including the tagging of bank swallows. All of these actions are key to conserve and recover bank and barn swallow habitats and populations throughout the

Webinar: April 11 at 12:00 PM MT, the event is free, but you must register.

To see more about the Columbia Valley Swallow Habitat Enhancement project, please see here. 

The video from the webinar is now posted on the project website.