Rethink Galloway: Land use conversation

Tuesday, June 14, 2022 at 7:00 pm
Elk Valley Branch
Seniors Centre Fernie / Online

What does sustainable and responsible development look like for our community?

Join in a community conversation about the values we want reflected in land-use decisions.

Now is the time to have our voices heard.

This event features Robert Sandford, who holds the Global Water Futures Chair in Water & Climate Security at the United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health. He is an author and passionate advocate for land-use planning that retains the culture and value of community.

This event is hosted by Rethink Galloway and Wildsight.

There are two ways you can join the conversation on June 14th at 7 pm.

  1. Meet in person at the Fernie Seniors Centre (562 3 Ave, Fernie): Register to attend in person
  2. Or join us on Zoom, perhaps even hosting a watch party with family and/or neighbours: Register for Zoom

Please register to attend either option. Thank you for your interest in this vital topic of conversation. We look forward to seeing you!