New Roots is a short documentary film that tells the story of two East Kootenay farmers, as they explore how farming connects them to the past, present, and future.
Join Director Mark Locki to learn all about the story behind the documentary and a Q&A session with the film’s stars.
Through the film, Michael and Marie-Eve describe their personal journeys, from their youth growing up around farms to their passion for food and their desire to pass down their knowledge to their children. Michael talks about his transformation from being an artist/photographer in his past life to his current art – growing food, and what it means to him personally to be connected to his past. While they know they may not make a significant change in how society currently views food, they know they can provide that change in their own community, and it starts in their household.
Local food experts, Wildsight Kimberley Cranbrook’s Chad Kile, and Meredith Funston provide insight into why we need to build knowledge of our food systems to ensure a more food secure future for our communities.
Don’t miss this important film! We look forward to seeing you there.