Golden’s Community Weed Pull Event at the Motocross Track

Wednesday, July 25, 2018
Golden Branch
Motocross Track beside Reflection Lake

Calling on all nature lovers! Come join us in the fight against invasive plants at our second Community Weed Pull Event of the 2018 summer season. Plus, free pizza dinner for all participants! 

For this event, priority invasive plant species will be mechanically removed on and around Golden’s Motocross Track neighbouring Reflection Lake from 6pm-9pm. All tools and materials needed for removals will be supplied, therefore all you need to bring is some water, good footwear, and an open mind!

A big thank-you goes out to our partners for this event: The Town of Golden, Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society (CSISS), Golden’s Off-Road Motorcycle Association (GORMA), and Mountain MotorSports.  

For more information or to RSVP to this event, please email Wildsight Golden’s Invasive Plant Coordinator Jaylene at