The City Nature Challenge BioBlitz is taking place in the East Kootenay from April 29 to May 2, 2022. Run by the California Academy of Sciences and the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, this year’s City Nature Challenge is being organized in the East Kootenay Region by the Invasive Species Council of BC. It is a fun and educational opportunity for citizens to help protect British Columbia’s incredible biodiversity!
Join Wildsight Invermere team on Saturday April 30 at James Chabot Park from 1 to 3 pm, bring your phone with the INaturalist app installed and we can help you to upload your photos! Family Friendly event. For more information contact Lianna.
How to Get Involved
Last year, more than 50,000 people from 400 cities participated in this international event. This year, citizens of the East Kootenays are invited to participate. All you need to do is snap photos of any species you observe in the East Kootenay region between April 29th and May 2nd using the iNaturalist app.
Step 1: Find Wildlife
It can be any plant, animal, or any other evidence of life found in your city.
Step 2: Take a Picture
Take a picture of what you find. Be sure to note the location of the critter or plant.
Step 3: Share!
Share your observations through iNaturalist or your city’s chosen platform.
Snapping local plants and animals on a walk, hike, or a self-organized BioBlitz adventure is a fun and helpful way to make a difference! Once submitted, photos will be analyzed from May 3 – May 8 to identify all the species that were found. Results will be announced on May 9.
Get a tutorial
For anyone that may need an iNaturalist tutorial, the Invasive Species Council of BC‘s Community Science Network will host a virtual webinar on iNaturalist training before the BioBlitz begins.
Report year round
The Community Science Network is the ISCBC’s latest initiative and it allows anyone to become a scientist! One pillar of this network is observing and reporting native and invasive species in BC through the iNaturalist or the ReportInvasivesBC android or Apple apps. To learn, report, and take action year round, join the ISCBC Community Science Network.
For further information, e-mail