Photo: Simon Carter

Banff Centre Mountain Film Festival World Tour 2022-23

Friday, January 6, 2023 - Saturday, January 7, 2023
Kimberley & Cranbrook Branch
Key City Theatre
20 14 Ave N, Cranbrook

Wildsight Kimberley Cranbrook is hosting the
2022-23 Banff Centre Mountain Film Festival World Tour!

The Banff Centre Mountain Film and Book Festival is one of the largest and most prestigious mountain festivals in the world. The festival takes place every fall in the Rocky Mountains of Banff, Canada. From the over 400 entries submitted into the Festival each year, award-winning films and audience favourites are carefully selected to travel the globe. This year’s tour will feature a collection of the most inspiring action, environmental, and adventure films.


Watch films, give back.

Hosting the World Tour is one of Wildsight Kimberley Cranbrook’s biggest fundraisers each year. When you join us live at Key City Theatre, a portion of the proceeds will help us run our education, conservation, and regeneration initiatives throughout the year! 

There will be two live screenings at Cranbrook’s Key City Theatre on January 6 & 7, 2023 at 7:00pm (doors open at 6:30pm) – each night boasting a unique film lineup. As usual, there will be an intermission and a prize giveaway. The 2022-23 World Tour features an exhilarating and provocative collection of films that explore the mountain world, highlighting new landscapes and remote cultures, and expose audiences to exciting adventures and adrenaline-packed sports. Film advisory: all films are appropriate for a General Audience, though there is some coarse language.


Tickets are priced as follows:
$30 for 1 night
$50 for 2 nights

Carpool with us – The bus is full!

Thanks to Simply Kimberley for offering this great service! Check back to see if it runs for the 2024 event.


Thanks for supporting Wildsight Kimberley Cranbrook!

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