The results are in!

Photo: In order of drawings: Athena Knibbs, Kaleigh Sandberg, Karen Velázquez Romo

First and foremost, thank you to everyone who submitted an entry for the contest – it certainly wasn’t an easy decision narrowing down to just three! We loved seeing your creativity shine and were grateful to feast our eyes upon the beauty you created bringing together your vision of Wildsight Kimberley Cranbrook.

Be sure to keep an eye out for Kaleigh, Karen, and Athena’s designs on our new t-shirts and stickers this season!


The winning design was created by Kaleigh Sandberg, “We Are One”. One of the things Kaleigh loves most about Wildsight is the opportunity the organization provides for the community to come together and care for the land we live on. “We are able to learn together, and that creates a stronger bond and healthier community!”

Kaleigh says she’s always been creative, “while my siblings were out doing gymnastics or soccer, I was inside scribbling on a piece of paper, or mixing paints”. Her family has always been supportive and encouraged her to grow her skill set. “Creativity is important to me, it allows me to express what words often can’t.” 

Kaleigh wanted to share a big thank you! “I’m so grateful to share what I love with a community I love. I sincerely hope my small contribution brings new excitement and opportunities to Wildsight.”

More of Kaleigh’s work can be found on Instagram @memoriesdesignedbykal.


Karen Velázquez Romo created one of two runner-up designs. This is what she had to say about Wildsight, “The work and effort that the Wildsight team do to take care of the environment is inspiring. I love how they express their love for nature by creating initiatives that support environmental conservation. I am so glad that I had the opportunity to give something back to this organization that has done amazing things for this community.”

Karen is very grateful for the prize and is looking forward to using it towards her college tuition, “It’s the perfect incentive to continue learning and developing as a student of the Fine Art program.”



Athena Knibbs provided the second runner-up design. Athena let us know what she loves most about Wildsight is the local programs around food security. “I have used the equipment from the Apple capture project and am super excited about the Backyard Farmers  Project! Both are so easy to implement and doable at a grassroots level.”

Athena has always been creative and uses a variety of mediums – drawing, block printing, and sewing. When we asked her what her prize money will be used for she told us, “My sweet prize money will go towards fabric to keep on building my handmade wardrobe!” 

More of Athena’s work can be found on Instagram @athena.knibbs.